On #Astrology

1/4 My attitude towards astrologers has mellowed over the years. I've realised that their purpose is not to provide truth. Instead, to provide certainty; which most people value above truth.
2/4 In this regard, their "service" is less about information, and more about peace of mind. "Your son will marry next year", might be blatantly false. But at least a mother might get a few months of worry-free sleep.
3/4 Predictions like "Your son will marry next year" are benign. By the time the mother realises that it is "next year", and her son is still single, she has forgotten the prediction.

She seeks another consultation. And gets her money's worth. A few more months of good sleep.
4/4 More worryingly, there are others far less benign. Who provide certainty, at the expense of truth.

People like economists who tell governments what to do will no evidence. Unlike their astrological cousins, their "predictions" cost millions of lives and billions of dollars.
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