Modern Christianity, following an alien hermeneutic, is often obsessed with determining key prophetic fulfillments—like the mark of the beast. Scripture's own hermeneutic, however, presupposes and repeats symbolic patterns that are built into the natural and the human realms.
This doesn't mean that there is no "the" mark of the beast. But it does mean that if there is, it is an exemplar of a larger prototypical pattern. So we should expect that pattern to repeat in various ways, and with varying importance, throughout history.
Now, can you think of any "mark" today? Something worn by small and great alike, by rich and poor, by those of independent means and wage-slaves…without which none can buy or sell? For instance, is there something worn on the head without which you cannot enter a supermarket?
Obviously in many places there is; so what should this tell us about these people's religious affiliation, given the link between them that received the mark and them that worshipped his image? (Revelation 16:2; 19:20)
Bearing the mark indicates who they worship. So whose mark is it? Who demands that they wear it? Who is the "beast" in this case? It is not the individual stores; they are merely following the edict. The command comes from on high—from the state.
This is why there are Christians who conscientiously oppose wearing masks. They aren't conspiracy theorists, and they aren't crazy. They don't think masks are a unique kind of plot, and they don't think they're the literal mark of the beast. But they are attentive to patterns.
They also know that because human beings were made to worship, they *always* worship *something*—just like a clock always tells a time, even if it's wildly wrong. This is a biblical fundamental with greater depth than most Christians acknowledge:
Finally, they are attentive to patterns of worship in Scripture. They understand what things like marks and talismans signify. Their reluctance to mask up, and their refusal to do so especially in church, is not a result of cynical skepticism or stiff-necked obstreperousness.
Rather, it is because they know that to wear a mask is to publicly signal faith and obedience to the ruler of this world; and simultaneously to deny their allegiance and obedience to Yahweh. They are Christians, not statists—so they will not worship the state.
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