Thank you @epdevilla for taking action today. While numbers are this high please also consider the following to help get control:
1) Change recommendations to: If anyone in the household has symptoms or has a test pending for #COVID19 everyone stays home.
Everyday we speak to people with COVID whose family members are also found to be positive with mild or no symptoms & they are at work potentially exposing others - in LTC, schools, hospitals, grocery stores, public transit or taxis/Uber. We need to prevent these exposure.
2) Change school screening back to if any symptoms don’t come to school and go get tested. The current school screening is confusing. In many circumstances in recent weeks kids went to school or adults went to work with symptoms b/c they thought it was ok.
Now is the time for clear messaging. Allowing kids to go to school with a sore throat or runny nose when covid is everywhere undermines the messaging for everyone on when to stay home and when to get tested. No symptoms are “just a cold” right now without a test.
3) Allow those with symptoms living with vulnerable family members or large households to self refer to the isolation centre or be referred right from assessment centre and not wait for the positive result and follow-up call from TPH. By then it’s too late to prevent tranmission
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