Fans don’t end up dating their idol and get engaged to them at 20.

Girls from Carolina don’t go on a blind date with a mega famous celebrity.

Celebrities don’t pay child support without a pat test.

Actresses don’t live out the plot of their Disney Channel movies.
Gay men who are closeted in the industry have to say they’re straight.

2 celebs with gay rumors surrounding them don’t date because they love each other.

Singers don’t write songs about each other 6 yrs after a 3 month Pr relationship.
A straight womanizing fuck boy doesn’t write songs like sweet creature.

A straight man doesn’t write a song like only the brave.

The song girl crush is about wanting to be the girl bc you love the boy.

Managers are not besties with the celebrities they work for.
Mortal enemies don’t share a single bed and tell each other what they dream about.

Beards exist.

Double bearding exists.

Celebrities pay other celebrities to date them.

Celebrities don’t get papped unless they want to.
Closeted cannot say they’re in a gay relationship.

Just because a contact ended doesn’t mean a celebrity is free.

A woman cannot be pregnant for 11 months.

Who celebrities follow and the posts they like are used for pr.

Celebrities are marketed as brands.
Straight men don’t communicate through 2 rainbow bears for fun.

When a womanizing image makes millions, celebrities aren’t allowed to abandon it.

The media is told which narrative to push by management.

Songs aren’t always as special to an artist as they say they are.
Stunt songs exist.

Artists don’t have full control over what goes on their album.

Stunt lyrics exist.

Someone who loves their gf doesn’t look into the vip box and cry when their gf is on the floor.

Artists portray whatever image will appeal to their target audience.
Straight men don’t take their gf to gay bars for their birthday.

Pictures released in articles are sometimes photoshopped.

A woman can’t be pregnant for 11 months.

Life is not a fan fiction.
If you would Unstan a singer because they’re gay, you’re homophobic.

Believing 2 men are in love is not fetishizing.

You cannot invalidate heterosexuality.

The only fans Harry and Louis would be disappointed in are the ones that body shame and send death threats.
If you refuse to educate yourself about a topic, you have no right to shit on the people who do.

Management controls and artist’s image and they have to portray it.

No celebrity is ever fully free.

“Headlines that I can’t stand” wasn’t written for fun.
If a girl’s name is thrown into a very sexual song it’s most likely a stunt.

At some point coincidences aren’t coincidences anymore.

Masterposts are comprised of facts not theories.

Songs with over 5 writers are not an artist’s most vulnerable song.
I would like to my closing statement:

The relationship I’m speaking of is real.

The celebs I’m talking about are closeted.

The gay man im talking about is not a father.

The other celeb is not engaged or a father.

(Now read a masterpost and see for yourself.)
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