“No state has a right to call you criminal if you take what you must have to live.”

Mauritz Hallgren’s Seeds of Revolt, 1933

TW: death, police murder
It literally does not matter that Dominique had a gun or that he robbed a Dollar General before he was executed by Tampa Police Department.

The saying is not, “Black lives [**that I find respectable**] matter”.

Black lives MATTER. #DominiqueMulkey
TW: death, police murder

Did you know that #DominiqueMulkey was partially deaf, which is why he didn’t put down his gun? Did you know that Dominique was mentally ill?

Did you also know that his extenuating circumstances don’t even matter? Why is a state murdering its citizens?
So-called “crime” like robbery only exists when people do not have their basic needs met in a system that requires poverty to exist.

It's not a sign of a "broken" system; the system is working exactly as designed.
What reason would someone be so desperate as to rob a dollar store with a gun, other than the fact that their basic needs were not being met?

I’d love for someone to give me examples of rich people robbing convenience stores to steal snack food. **cue crickets**
Please consider donating to help cover the costs of Dominique's funeral. The Mulkey family has a long road ahead of them.

I'm also concerned that the Mulkey family will have even less support because to many people, Dominique's murder is seen as justifiable.

If you want to donate, but aren’t able to right now, *like* this tweet and I can send you the gofundme link in a couple weeks
We've raised about $200 in 3 hours! Please keep RTing to support the Mulkey family.

They still need $4,295 to cover Dominique's funeral costs.
More context:

The Tampa mayor and members of city council are former cops.

They passed a city budget that INCREASED police budget by $13 MILLION after ppl asked for $ for housing, childcare, healthcare & an emergency response team like CAHOOTS.

Btw they’re ALL Democrats https://twitter.com/samlshep/status/1318712797681823745
“The police exist to prevent Black people and poor people from threatening rich white people’s property rights: abolishing property is a direct attack on their power.”

“In Defense of Looting”, page 17

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