5th grade I tried to shoplift from Kaybee Toys. Instead of calling police the cashier gave me a whoopin. 5 mins later, my mom walked in looking for me. Cashier froze thinking i was about to snitch. But she didnt snitch to the cops. so I didnt snitch to my mom. Game Recognize Game https://twitter.com/WBRCnews/status/1326287423605776387
At 22 I got a $700 engagement ring (2 months of road comic pay🤣) Proposal failed. Took the ring back. Dude at Zales tried to talk me into proposing to her again or to wait a week before returning the ring so he could still get commission RIP Century Plaza https://twitter.com/WBRCnews/status/1326287423605776387
2003 my first prank call CD dropped. Had a consignment deal w/ Sam Goody. To increase sales, I'd sneak my CDs to better shelves. Employees peeped game & gave me my own display. That $$$ literally was the difference in eating some weeks. RIP Century Plaza https://twitter.com/WBRCnews/status/1326287423605776387
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