$rkt thread:

I am completely blown away by this company. 9 months into the yr they made $6B in net income off of $11B in rev. Guidance for next q about 3.7B+, using the same % for net income it likely gets another $2B in net income. 8B in net income against 42B mrkt cap
For a company thats only been public for 2 months ive never seen a new ipo come out with 1B buyback. As a private company they said theyve done special dividends before however now as public company said they feel buyback is better use of capital. They can easily do this every yr
How about argument that housing is in a bubble & rates will go higher? They said that they see years of purchasing and refinancing before they get rightsized & meantime they taking share. Goal by 2030 is 25% of mortgage market (will end at 8% this yr). Revs can be 3x from here!
Any other areas of growth? Well $rkt ecosystem does car loans and launched online tools for brokers as well made an acquisition that will allow them to start doing originations in Canada... basically this company can spread worldwide. they also have 92% retention of customers!
$rkt trading at ipo level for some reason & hasnt run up & is a cash generating machine growing quickly with potential for 3x revs by 2030 not counting additional products or intl expansion. I bought a half position after hours at 21.21 & will look to add more tmrw
Oh and they have 18% short interest just ready to get killed by the buyback especially if the company decides to launch it now while majority of thr shares are locked up. 2B or so of float vs 1B buyback. An $rh like buyback will destroy shorts. If im short why take chance!
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