I'll just go ahead and blast this out to my 420k followers, just to be safe. It's not like every single election someone claims to have found statistical evidence of fraud, and those claims have never yet panned out.
2/ My critique of these IDW guys all along is they have not bothered to learn the basics about American politics. That is why they so often say bizarre things and make off-base predictions. In this case, you need to be missing a LOT of context to think "Hey, we might as well
3/ investigate!" is not an insane position to take. You need to be unaware that the GOP has been making escalating claims of voter fraud for years, that Donald Trump has telegraphed this strategy for a long time, and that there's no such thing as a 'bipartisan' or 'neutral'
4/ investigation with someone like Barr or certain GOP state legislatures doing the investigating.

To just say
let's investigate

is really naive. These guys should be more humble.
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