I want to live in a world where ppl are treated fairly irrespective of their circumstances, demographic or otherwise.

So much recently has highlighted that this is not the case, but the fact the subject now holds such attention does at least suggest a nudge in th right direction https://twitter.com/FA/status/1326213290004008960
One of the things along this line that I do find sad is the expectation we place on the 'older generation' with regards to adoption of changing ethical standards (and specifically vernacular) & the vilification of anyone who doesn't immediately 'get it'
Whilst what he said was clearly outdated & unacceptable, no quarter was given to the fact that this was 1. a bloke in his 80s & 2. someone who demonstrated no hate in his heart. Just a mental dictionary that had long since been decommissioned that he'd missed the boat on updating
With this in mind I went into that Greg Clarke story with an open mind. I was prepared to accept he might just be someone who hadnt learned the language. Another victim of a (social) media completely disinterested in nuance where people are cast only as heroes or villains.
Alas, the reporting of what he's said is one of the most indefensible things I've read in a long time and a shocking reminder of how endemically rancid the halls of power still can still be.
This is someone who is not only old enough to know better, but young enough to not hold views and language so ludicrously anachronistic.

I try not to remember that people are more than their best or worst words or actions but fucking hell.
I don't think I've got a point here really (have I ever?) but this story has crystallised a lot of things that capture my attention all in one. Dumping my thoughts here is an ersatz form of mental unloading I would nornally have done over a pint somewhere. Or in @gmkonline's car
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