The final evolution of any generative methods company is to become SpeedTree

and I don't mean that in a pejorative way at all
Stage 1: "We'll build an AI that makes its own creative works!"
Stage 2: "We'll build an AI co-creativity system to collaborate with humans"
Stage 3: "This AI is an elegant, useful, controllable and immediate instrument that you can use to get your shit done"
Just had Yet Another Argument with Yet Another Guy Who Heard Elon Musk Say That AI Can Write Novels Soon.

No one cares! No one wants an AI-written novel! You think we don't have enough fucking novels? Have you BEEN on Ao3?

We want an AI to make writing *our* novel effortless.
Wahoo, we have a novel-hose! Here, have all the novels you want. Vapid meaningless shapeless wordgoo, as much as you want, forever

No one!

It turns out that no-one wanted to drink from that hose.

Periodically they suggest turning it on people they don't like, to fill up forums or argue with trolls or produce content for consumers for whom they have no respect.

GPT-2/3/n+1 turns out to be a delightful toy! Its a magic crayon to color with

..but without the hand guiding it, its just wax.

The most important part of the magic crayon book is *Harold telling the story*
(or @JanelleCShane)
You can follow @GalaxyKate.
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