I was asked recently is Black men drawn to Trumps policies or away from Democrats attitudes?

I have been pondering this question all day. I have not drawn any conclusions because I can only speak for myself.

First I want to say that I follow what makes fiscal sense
Is it realistic, feasible, fair, and sustainable when it comes to politics. TBH, I think of how does the propose policy affects me. I know there people in our country who aren’t as fortunate as myself. I do believe there are good and honest people trying.....
To get ahead and can’t find traction. Then there are those out to take advantage of the system.

Then the question needs to be asked, is it the governments role to ensure people are given the chance to succeed? Yes and no. It’s rather complicated.
Feel that here in the US we all are given a fair shake. Isn’t that the reason millions have migrated to the states both legally and illegally. We rarely know of an instance where people run to be in a socialist country. It happens, but not in the way people flock to the US
Secondly, our country was founded on close perfect ideas, by imperfect men. This is something that wasn’t going to happen over night. Or within the first century, and life continues to get better. It takes time. With time attitudes change.
We all are well versed in the attitudes on race were historically in the US. As black men are educated, and have been rightfully given the same opportunities as white males, attitudes begin to change.

Growing up in Cali I never saw a black doctor, lawyer, or CEO.
What I saw were black entertainers, service members, and athletes. It wasn’t until I served a Mormon mission in Georgia did I see such. I experienced more racism in Cali than I did in Georgia. I feel I. Love with the south.
I wasn’t until I joined the Army I was around other black men in leadership roles. It wasn’t until I joined SF I felt like expectations of me because of the color of my skin didn’t matter.

What matter was competence and character.
I cannot speak on black males attitudes toward Democrats. But what I have seen is blacks being systematically used as pawns in the political machine especially by liberals elites. To right a wrong Liberals sell us on “it’s not your fault”.
Taking accountability off the table began with welfare and has snowballed down hill since.

Break, more to follow got to go eat.
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