Bernie and AOC worked tirelessly to get Biden elected, Biden won, and yet the last week of media coverage of the election cycle has been dominated by centrist Democrats blaming the Left for their own strategic failures.

But somehow AOC is the "divisive" one!
Bernie Sanders worked harder than absolutely any other notable Democratic politician to get Joe Biden elected, bar absolutely none. He endorsed Biden almost immediately after dropping out to help the party put up a united front and spent the year campaigning for him in-person.
It wasn't just him: In Pennsylvania, Bernie, socialist state representatives Sara Innamorato and Summer Lee, and self-described democratic socialist Lt. Governor John Fetterman rallied for Biden in the crucial state of Pennsylvania.
After Bernie's withdrawal from the race, AOC became a fervent advocate of unifying progressives around the Biden ticket to present a united front against Trump in November. In the end, partially due to the work of Ocasio-Cortez and Sanders, it worked out.
Ocasio-Cortez's loyalty to the Democratic Party was not just seen in the role she played in getting Biden elected - It was also seen downballot, too, where she threw her support behind even moderate Democrats like Jaime Harrison to help the party get a Senate majority.
The fact of the matter is that a large defection by Sanders voters to e.g. the Green Party could've proven catastrophic to the Biden campaign's chances of beating Trump. They understood what was at stake and worked tirelessly to get progressives to vote for him, and he won!
But for some reason that has not stopped centrist backbenchers from coming out of the woodwork to smear their progressive colleagues while somehow claiming to be "party unifiers".
Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez are among a handful of politicians motivated by a genuine desire to improve the lives of others rather than personal ambition or vanity. They knew the threat posed by Trump was immense, and worked tirelessly to elect his opponent despite disagreements.
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