Couple things I, a baby brain on housing, wanna say about this and what's been going on with anti-development in the name of anti-gentrification/pro-"the community."

Socialists feel free to tell me why/how I am wrong here but...have the information please. YIMBYs you hush.
Firstly I think the % mix of most projects is way off. Most units should be affordable and at way lower %s of AMI because that is where the actual need is. People with economic mobility have their pick already.

But what I don't know is how these things pencil out otherwise.
The socialist in me is like "tax the rich, money is fake" etc etc. The more....UGH, cant believe i'm saying this but...neol 🤢 neolib 🤢 omg...NEOLIBERAL side (.00001%) of me)is like.....just let wealthier people pay for it with their rents??
A 40 unit building with 40 affordable units is 100% affordable.

Why can't we//////add some market-rate units on top???
The 40 affordable homes don't go away!
i DO think there is something to the findings out in Michigan (I think) that market-rate properties lower the price for that specific submarket only, and cause lower-end units rents to rise as the nabe gets warm.

But there's easily non-market based solutions that prevent that.
(ok maybe not easily but) like..... rent control and so on.
and turning units into tenant owned coops. which is what my 16-story giant complex did in the 70s.
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