Ok folks a few thoughts on #WatchLOI as the season finishes and some suggestions on how to improve it if it’s coming back. Overall it is a welcome development and given the circumstances, all should be applauded. I’m hoping fans will be back for next year with my suggestions...
Pricing. €5 per game is great and the €55 for all post Covid games was terrific. However most I spoke to only watched their own teams after the initial weeks. A season pass for only your clubs games could be a nice mid point for those who don’t want to buy the entire league...
The consistency of coverage needs to improved. The *minimum* requirement should be two cameras with replays available. The lack of replays really was a huge issue late in the season. Some cameras were pretty poor (eg Turners Cross, Richmond recently)
Presentation must improve. Turning on at the allotted time to be met with the generic SSE Airtricity Ad left you wondering if the stream was running or not. A match graphic with a countdown clock would be great. Something that moves that shows you’ve connected...
Half time. Some games had highlights but most returned to that airtricity ad. Realise commentators need break but a pre-produced package of goals from week before or other games that week would help. As above the blank ad screen is just awful...
An email reminding subscribers of what games were coming up might have helped viewing figures. “This week the game of the week is...”. I know there was a push for subscriptions at the start but nothing from the league after the subscription. Keeping in contact with subscribers...
Last one is, I assume, out of their control but the platform is a little restrictive (eg you can’t stream from iPhone to chromecast). I know GAA Go has the same restrictions but if they’re selling a product, they should be as up front as possible as to what it can/can not do.
I know all of this costs money, and maybe the market isn’t there if the hardcore audience go back to watching the games in person but I think there’s huge potential there. Again, I appreciated getting the chance to watch the games but think there’s room to improve for 2021.
Some of this might sound harsh but I definitely got value for my €55 and I’d probably subscribe again next season if on offer. Just posting some thoughts from a viewer on what I’d like to see improve.
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