I was describing this phenomenon of the inadvertent death cultist American as this: a lot of Americans have spent their entire lives thoroughly insulated from consequences. Most of the bad stuff America does results in deaths very far away, be it war, climate crisis, etc. https://twitter.com/miniondeathcult/status/1326269847999688705
Or the consequences happen to some intersection of the poor and marginalized communities, that they never interact with. They're totally insulated from structural violence, as well. The cops protect them, and in fact hurt their enemies for them.
It systematically prevents them from being able to judge risk. They don't understand consequences. It's what makes boogaloo types extremely dangerous, it's what makes this guy go out and huff coronavirus. They think they're supermen because baseline reality feels that way.
You can see how they'd fire guns into crowds for funsies or get the plague to own the libs when you realize they've spent their whole lives not taking falling damage.
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