The villain origin story that I normally run into in people who are viciously fatphobic is usually either-

1- Someone I love died fr/ a disease that medical profit-oriented propaganda told them was due to their weight

2- I used to be fat and project my self-hate onto others ->
And sometimes it's just structurally incentivized cruelty. If every facet of the system you navigate actively tells you that you get fat bc you're lazy and you're virtuous if you're thin and reward people w/ access to healthcare, more resources, and potential for love -
You are going to be a fucking /asshole/ to fat people bc you're gonna project your anxiety over losing all of that unconsciously onto them.

Think of how ableds treat disabled people. They see them as an existential threat. Same fear and framework.
Bc the line of logic goes... what IF you get fat or become chronically ill or disabled in some way? Or you learn that you have trauma or are neurodivergent in some other way?

You're pushed onto the fringes of society and are exiled from structural support.
That's the fear. It's the /anxiety/ over.. "I couldn't LIVE with myself if that happened to me/if I became that way."

..And it's what they /always/ tell disabled people and fat people. "You're so brave. You remind me to appreciate my structurally privileged life."
..And what's the result? We treat people who need more help or who are non-normative as 'useless eaters.'

Nuisances, eye-sores, and burdens.

We loathe them with a sort of deep-seated INTENSITY. And they activate social darwinistic ideology we've inherited.
We're terrified of losing everything and not being loved and taken care of in a system we can't compete in and we take that out on those who can't cope as easily as we can.

We can at least say we tried very hard to /not/ get rejected by it. The latter are just murdered.
Murdered with intent. The medical community is always actively trying to kill disabled and neurodivergent people in a variety of ways: punishing them materially by making it hard for them to apply for financial assistance, denying them healthcare ('you're making it up')+
- Or being severely underqualified or uneducated about certain complexities of their illnesses that they'll misdiagnose to the patient's detriment, including general medical and psychiatric malpractice.

But my comrades have the /gall/ to think doctors aren't compromised.
..Or the way we approach science and physiology as a whole or nutrition.

So, in short, it is /REAL/ fucking bad. Abysmal. Awful. This isn't just the sunken place; this is the fucking /void/ and we need to confront our coercion to participate in its cycle.
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