Disabled people are facing a jobs crisis, which has been made worse by the coronavirus pandemic.

Research has also shown that people with disabilities reported the highest levels of loneliness in the last few months.

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'The unemployment rate for disabled people in the UK is 52 per cent'

Is this claim true or false?
It's false.

The unemployment rate of people with learning disabilities is at a shocking 94 per cent. This is mainly due to the public stigmas that continue to be misplaced

'During the pandemic, the US has already experienced a 20 per cent decline in employment among people with a learning disability'

Is this claim true or false?
This is true.

This is compared to the 14 per cent decline experienced by workers without disabilities

'Most opportunities for young people with learning disabilities are programmes that simulate a workplace environment'

Is this claim true or false?
It's true.

There are limited opportunities that prepare young people with learning disabilities for real-life roles

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