This is tyrannical. The government should not be allowed to effectively put businesses out of business without providing definitive proof that cases can be directly linked to them.
I feel like I’m screaming into the void. How can we all sit by while the government strips so many people out of their livelihood? How is there no expectation that they provide anything resembling proof?
We started a revolution about a fucking tax on tea. America, what the fuck are you doing?
“Follow the science!” Why don’t they show us the fucking science that links a hair salon or house of worship in this county to an outbreak? We know how people are getting it and it ain’t there. These restrictions they just enacted will do nothing to slow or stop the spread.
I know people on the site are too lazy and stupid to read an entire tweet but actually fucking try. There are mitigation strategies in place in houses of worship across this county. Show me an outbreak link to a house of worship in this county in the last 3 months. I will wait.
And if there is an outbreak linked to a specific business or a specific house of worship, get the health department in there and close that specific establishment. Blanket closures have no basis in science and are tyrannical.
I just cannot understand why there is no expectation that the government has to provide definitive proof before they take a draconian step that will destroy small businesses. And why there is no outcry.
Go talk to my friend who owns a gym in this county and explain to her why she has to be put out of business. Why, despite the fact that not one customer has had COVID, she has to tell her mom (who put her house on the line to buy her stake in the business) that it’s done.
How far our nation has fallen that in just seven months the local government can tell people whatever they want about how they can run their business and not be expected to provide a justification. This is batshit.
If local businesses are expected to sacrifice an additional 25% capacity from what they have already been doing, how about the county compensate them for the capacity that they are being denied? Montgomery county should be responsible for 75% of their last year’s income.
In our synagogue we had multiple people during the high holidays who ended up testing positive. Do you know how many people they gave it to during services? None. Because there were safety strategies in place to prevent the spread.
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