Trump Derangement Syndrome addicts screaming "COUP!!!!1!" are the mirror image of #MAGA-ts who think Trump will somehow still be president on January 21, 2021. (debunking thread)
Unfounded fears of a coup got amplified by @TheAtlantic which ran a conspiracy theory piece months ago about how GOP legislatures would override the popular vote and pick electors directly. This isn't feasible for a bunch of reasons.
Biden is at 290 electoral votes, so to get him under 270 would require Pennsylvania and/or some other combo of states to flip back. Problem: PA GOP leaders in the legislature say they're not going to do this.
Conspiracists also point to the GSA blocking transition funds being released. That's not a coup, that's a #MAGAcope. Legally GSA might be able to hold out until electors meet and certify the 2020 results in December.
Turnover at the DoD (Trump fired Esper) is not evidence of a coming coup. Generals are not about to follow a new nobody off a cliff for a guy they hate and undermines them constantly who just lost an election by millions of votes.
As of August 2020, Trump's favorability among military officers was at 35%, meaning 65% don't like and/or hate Trump. The higher you go up in rank, the more anti-Trump sentiment there is.
Is Bob Barr doing a coup via DOJ? Also no. This is the guy who didn't shutdown the Mueller investigation (despite having the power) and he's done these bogus 'inquiries' before ("Obamagate").

Nothing happened.
If a coup to keep Trump in power after Jan. 20, 2021 is underway, why would the FAA create a no-fly zone over Biden's house? Why is the Secret Service beefing up Biden's security detail? Both agencies are executive branch.
From an institutional POV, the reality-based worst case scenario is GSA never recognizes Biden's victory, no transition funds, and Biden's team lands in USG on January 20, 2021 without wheels (so to speak). Dangerous and risky but not fatal for democracy.
In 2004, John Kerry narrowly lost the election because of Ohio and because exit polls showed that he "should have" won, all kinds of conspiracy theorists like Greg Palast put in overtime finding ways to "prove" that Kerry won.
The unanimity of will and purpose required to pull off a coup in the U.S. is sorely lacking. Fox called the election for Biden; the GOP of PA and GA are saying Biden won fair and square; D.C. GOP isn't backing Trump's wild BS claims either.
If Bob Barr was doing a coup, he'd indict and arrest Hunter and Joe Biden. Doesn't make any sense to allow a guy to run around proclaiming himself the rightfully elected president. Ditto GOP and Democratic officials who don't cooperate on elector-rigging.
If Trump was doing a coup, he wouldn't be allowing peaceful protests criticizing him to go unmolested. He'd order federal law enforcement and troops to put them down using lethal force. Probably have to arrest Democratic mayors and governors too.
Going to end the coup-leader Trump thread with this from @SovietSergey. Hopefully I won't have to do any more debunking of this absurd idea and can just leave it here:
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