This this thiiiiiiiiisss. Please don't freak out and offer nothing of value. Offer facts, a calming influence, or actionable steps.
Here are a few things to do right now:

First and foremost: IGNORE what the Trump administration is doing, or, at least, don't panic about it. Their actions are legally pointless. They have no leg to stand on. Biden's team knows this. Lawyers know this. Now you do, too. /1
Second: The GA Senate runoff races are now as important as the presidential race. If Warnock & Ossoff win, Dems control the Senate. Do you want Mitch McConnell blocking every bit of progress for the next four years? No. No, you do not. /2
So, steps: 1.) DONATE to those races if you can. They need money and they need it FAST. Stacey Abrams is a miracle worker, but she has less than two months and needs money to make it happen. You can do that here:
2.) TEXT/PHONE BANK: Dems flipped GA by getting out the vote. They'll need to do even more for the runoff election on Jan. 5th and you can help, even if you're in another state. Donate half an hour of your time. You can sign up to do that here:
3.) TALK TO PEOPLE: Talk to your friends. Your family. Especially if they're in GA. Explain to them how important this Senate election is. You know the people in your life which means you best know how to get disengaged friends & family invested in the outcome.
On the presidential election shenanigans happening: There's nothing you can do about the bs Trump's team is pulling, but that doesn't mean you're powerless. There are things you can do RIGHT NOW, including:
1.) CONTACT YOUR SENATOR: This is important for those with Republican Senators. Senators only do things if they're pushed by their constituents - that's you. More of them can be pushed into publicly congratulating Joe Biden and acknowledging the legal results of the election.
2.) PICK YOUR CONTACT METHOD: You can contact your Senator by phone, mail, or email/contact form. Tell them to do the right thing, acknowledge Biden's win, and let the country move on. You can find contact info here:
3.) IT WORKS: Trust me, they DO read emails & DO listen to voicemails. I learned this through my work fighting AB5 here in CA. Staffers keep records of every email, call, letter. It's how they know what issues their constituents care about. Flood their inboxes & their voicemails.
Most of the above only takes a few minutes of your time. Lastly, the best thing you can do right now is spend a few mins educating yourself on different issues before spreading misinformation & fear. Don't panic - get to work. It'll be hard, but we'll win this fight if we focus.
You can follow @AlishaGrauso.
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