Really sick of people calling radical feminism white feminism when in the non-white country my family is from we literally have none of the libfem bs (rant thread ahead)
We don't have words for "non binary", "cis", etc (except on an academic level when they're translated from English). We do have the concept of gay men and lesbian women that are basically seen as the opposite sex due to being gay (i.e. HSTS). No AGP, no "lesbinas" with d*cks.
40 million girls are missing due to sex-selective abortion and female infanticide. Nobody is asking their "gender identity" because nobody has the luxury of simply identifying out of their birth sex.
There are "sex workers" -- a rampant culture of prostitution and mistresses actually -- but it's not viewed as liberating or empowering for women. At best it's understood as something women are forced into out of desperation; at worst they're shamed for it (I don't agree w/that).
All these are slowly changing but:
-Women "marry into" husband's family & it's frowned upon for them to spend holidays w/their birth family
-The saying is "a married out daughter is like discarded water" -- useless to the original family
-Women are shamed if not married before 30
-Men typically get custody in divorces
-House typically in man's name
-Property only inherited by men (even when they changed laws to require for women to be able to inherit property, many women were pressured/guilted into forfeiting this right for males in their family)
I could keep going on.
Honestly I sometimes hate talking about this because I do NOT WANT right-wingers to seize on this kind of stuff as a reason to be racist against us.
But now that even the left has forsaken us I have to say this too.
*Liberal feminism is the whitest sh!t I've ever seen.* It's actually nauseating how privileged these people are. They have NO IDEA what conditions are like for women and girls in the MAJORITY of the world (white countries are the minority). So ignorant and yet so judgmental.
I almost can't put into words how disgusted I feel when somebody whines about pronouns or other first world problems and then calls me "white" because I actually care about women and girls. The hypocrisy is staggering.

Seriously, fuck off!
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