Coal towns all across the Ohio river valley shifted towards Republicans compared to 2016. The valley is ground zero of a massive energy transition. Oil giants are banking on fracked gas to drive a new plastics and petrochemicals boom there. @yayitsrob
3/Every industrial cluster is like Ohio river valley in miniature. Corona shock adds uncertainty. Fossil & downstream companies in a dozen states are shedding 100s of thousands of workers. US needs regional devlpmnt policy @thoatley
4/ The much remarked swing towards Trump in hispanic counties of West Texas is also an Oil boomtowns in the Rio Grande valley story.
5/ Its not just Coal,Oil & gas. Other clusters can also "anticipate disruptive tech changes – utilities, engine & turbine manuf, Auto suppliers, steel,cement..."
If regional devlpmt policies aren't made there'll be large swings to Republicans in the future
6/Elections - & these were won by few 1000 votes - are about specific places. GOP promises hi wage gas, petrochem & agro-industrial jobs. Democrats will lose if they can't convince ppl living in small towns of rural america that 'Just Transition' means investment $ & tax revenues
7/ @henryfarrell suggests this is "Why we need a properly developed field of American political economy that can figure out relationship between energy industry & voting"
This finding should provoke more political scientists to study firms, unions & towns
8/ Mike Davis(as in 2016 on Dems neglect of Appalachia & Rio Grande Valley. "‘Millions of green energy jobs’ is an abstraction that utterly fails to connect to the concrete circumstances of Rustbelt & inner-city communities"
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