An interesting anomaly out of Pennsylvania

As of reporting event 360 @ 2020-11-04T22:52:52Z
Trump: 3,138,636 (+296,898)
Biden: 2,841,738

After this point:
Trump had 52,913 negative votes
Biden had 138 negative votes

Difference of 52,775 is larger than Biden's 47,525 lead

Here is the data (D1)

Red is Trump (T)
Blue is Biden (B)

Columns (L to R):
-% Dem Vote
-% Rep Vote
-Total Votes
-T Total Votes
-B Total Votes
-Difference T Votes from last report
-Difference T Votes from last report
-Negative T Votes
-Negative B Votes

Here is D2

To be fair, overall in the state the tally was:
-Trump: 402,482 negative votes
-Biden: 637,931 negative votes

But most of this happened during early counting and spans a 9 report sequence so it indicates there was some confusion

In the 1st chart, I point to it

Here is D3

The source of this data is a "script to scrape the national ballot counting time series data of off the @nytimes

That data stream that the media gets is directly from the official voter databases (see graphic)

Here is D4

So what does it all mean?

I don't know so let's not jump to conclusions

But the numbers are what they are and again the question is why were the late differences in lost votes so high

Late vote losses in Michigan also broke against Trump -20,351 vs -1675 Biden

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