Why we can't count absentee ballots until 7 days after Election Day - A Thread
Important note: Alaska is following the laws for the review and counting of absentee and questioned ballots. State law allows for absentee ballots to be received up to 10 days after election day if 1/x
postmarked by election day and mailed from within the US. Up to 15 days after election day if postmarked by election day mailed from outside the US. In order to ensure that voters do not vote more than once in an election, the division must wait for voter history to be 2/x
completed from the paper precinct registers used at precincts on election day. There are a large number of these that come in the mail from outlying precincts. Given the geographic expanse of Alaska, this does take some time. Once voter history is completed for a district, 3/x
duplicate voter research is conducted. While this is happening, ballots are logged daily as received by regional offices. The absentee review board then reviews each ballot to determine voter eligibility and to ensure the voter certificate contains the information required 4/x
by law. The Absentee Review Board begins meeting 7 days before Election Day. After these processes are completed, ballots are deemed eligible for counting and can be opened and prepared for counting. Counting is an ongoing process. 5/5
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