Natalie Fisher. Let's start. She came here from the Teen Wolf fandom where she spent much of her time trying to cozy up to writers and the showrunner, Jeff Davis, so she could insinuate Tyler Posey's part be minimized and the show should concentrate on her ship.
Sound familiar? She actually had Jeff on her TW podcast a few times before she finally overstepped on the sterek shit and was cordially invited to fuck off by tptb. Bc that crew weren't needy idiots who would sacrifice their show quality just bc a blogger was stroking their ego.
She jumped into our fandom and immediately cozied up to Meredith and Berens. From the start she was trying the same thing she did at TW. "No one cares about Sam. The brother bond is toxic. The show should focus on Dean and Cass."
She wrote entire articles about what a shit character Sam is, how he's arrogant and manipulative and no one better challenge her on that because she was getting her info right from her writer friends. She made it clear she had access to scripts ahead of time.
Of course she couldn't really control Jensen. But she sure tried. When he gave his opinion on her ship, she called him Sean Spicer. Nothing like painting him as a corrupt Trump admin. PLUS implying that someone needs to sit him down and teach him not to see Dean as straight.
Gradually the show did go in the direction she wanted. Almost no focus on the brothers. An ensemble cast blandly recreating story arcs that were original back in earlier, better eras. Nat and her friends didn't care. As long as Cass and Dean were there and Sam was sidelined.
The show's ratings tanked. It was lucky to get a .3 most of the time. Real critics and reviewers- as opposed to bloggers calling themselves "journalists"- took notice and pointed out the flaws. So what did Natalie do? She tried to manage and manipulate critics.
Well-respected critic @sheilakathleen started pointing out the issues with Dabb's version of the show. She's been writing about SPN since the beginning so she knows her stuff and she has a large following. People listen to her. Apparently this worried Fisher.
So in rides Natalie hoping to "manage" Sheila. Sheila wasn't having it and asked her to stop. Instead of heeding this, Natalie barged into Sheila's DMs and sent her wall after wall of text blaming Jared for the show's problems and trying to guilt her into shutting up.
As you can see, Sheila is a rock star who didn't appreciate Natalie's manipulations. At all. Imagine trying to sell this line of bullshit about an actor to an industry professional.
Imagine being asked repeatedly to stop. Seeing how badly your attempts at spin are being received and still not being able to STFU.
With people who would actually listen to this obsessive, deranged fangirl in charge of Sam and Dean, is it any wonder the guys lost their passion for the show?
And you know what? It's too late for this show. But I suggest we pay attention to what fandom she'll try to ruin next and make sure she never gets another press pass. Or a job at any actual publication that's not just a jumped up destiel blog.
Also? This isn't about me being upset that some destiel fans are happy. I have friends who ship it. I'm not anti anything except anti-asshole. All she had to do was sit there and enjoy her ship and I wouldn't have said a word. But she dragged us into it so she gets what she gets.
If you want to tag anyone, feel free btw. I usually don't know the right @s and I have a major headache so I'm not going to look them up. But have at it if you like.
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