Our masterclass is underway, being presented by the fabulous Sharon Hall of @DyslexiaRoutes and she’s also the chair of the @DyslexiaScotlan North East branch based in Aberdeen #DAWScot2020
#DAWScot2020 💙 busting myths 💙 Dyslexia is not gender specific. Data suggests 50/50 split between boys and girls.
#DAWScot2020 💙 myth busting 💙 Dyslexia is not gender specific. Girls can often hide their difficulties better. They takes cues from their friends and classmates and copy them.
#DAWScot2020 💙 Look beyond reading and writing for indications of dyslexia.
Giving additional processing time can be one one the most effective and FREE accommodations in a classroom or at home for dyslexic brains.
Pressures to recall times tables, number bonds, and facts at ‘speed’ can knock confidence and self esteem. Brains that are dyslexic or dyscalculic may ‘know the answer’ but need ?? more seconds more than than another pupil. Give them that #thinking #processing time 🧠
Holding information in #workingmemory in order to carry out an instruction can be tricky for some dyslexic brains. When the instructions become two step, three step or multi-step working memory can become overloaded. Break complex instructions down into smaller chunks.
As a parent follow your intuition. Support your young person’s self esteem. Early identification can be so helpful ... but it’s never too late to ask for help.
Ask for help. Email us [email protected] Call us on 0344 80 84 84 Encourage your children to ask for help in school. If they find that tricky and can’t advocate for themselves, be their voice.
If your voice is not being heard there are fabulous folk out there that can help. If you’re local to the Highlands you can contact @InfoChipplus or nationally for Scotland @ASLadvice They are amazing support systems and are there for you and your family.
#multisensorylearning is where learning experiences engage different senses AT THE SAME TIME. It’s not a lesson where different senses will used throughout ... multiple senses need to be active at the same time.
If you are a teacher and would like FREE professional learning please visit http://addressingdyslexia.org/professional-development
Organisation at home can be tricky for dyslexic brains and for parents who are also dyslexic. Remembering different items for different day. Planning and completing homework and submitting on time. Being organised and following a secondary school timetable. Try colour-coding
We’re going to pause this thread for this evening and express our thanks to Sharon for presenting. The comments in the chat box were so complimentary and reflected the balance of information & humour she shared. We’ll be back tomorrow to add extra links and photos.
You can follow @DyslexiaScotInv.
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