san francisco has been about reinvention almost since its founding; earthquake, fire, cultural and economic depression, it always comes back but as something different, new. it’s why i chose to stick around instead of fleeing when the pandemic hit.
san francisco is a frontier city; it’s a place where people seeking radically different modes of life and community have come together, over and over. san francisco is not in a state that could support that right now, but it _should_ be.
the enormous wealth created here could be being used to construct frontier environments, to support radical approaches to all forms of human endeavor, but is instead being squandered on nonsense
i don’t know enough about policy to make specific demands, my position is much simpler
1. there are problems
2. we could solve those problems if the right people were trying to solve them
3. we should find those people and give them the resources to solve the problems
the role of government is to make the lives of the governed better, that’s all it exists for, if it’s not doing that it should be removed. fortunately in this society we can do that without the customary rivers of blood in the street.
we can rotate the political elite in this city into one that actually takes the role of leadership seriously, and leads.

this isn’t an ideological position, it’s a material one - if you aren’t leading you’re grifting and we should remove you.
i am not arrogant enough to say san francisco is the _only_ place that _can_ be like this but it is _a_ place that _was already_ like this.

if you want to support radical thinking and radical modes of life wherever you are, you should be able to use this city as a beacon
this is really the only kind of politics i feel confident enough to have a say about, but fortunately it’s also the kind where individuals on the ground can make a difference.
come claim the future
the virgin ‘sf is over’ vs the chad ‘sf is beginning again’
things are going to be qualitatively different, don’t expect to come to the sf of 2013; there will be fewer parties thrown by tasteless rich dudes.

but there’s also free space to occupy now; literal and mimetic. suddenly just like that gaps have appeared.
cultural evaporative cooling as people used only to smoothly running gilded environments flee to the urban equivalents of suburbia, true believers come boiling out of the cracks
not yet but the possibility is now there
somebody i spoke to recently pointed out a difference between nyc attitude - “this place made me and i see it suffering, i’ll fight to make this city great” and sf attitude - “this city is bad & getting worse i’m gonna leave that’ll show ‘em”
i see a two-pole world forming; the cities colonized by people who made it big in sf and left who will work to reform infrastructure and norms there into what they were used to in sf, and the new radicals who will move into the vacuum those people left behind in sf.
in case it is not clear i am now and always on the side of the new radicals
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