How to beat a coup
1) say this is fascism and I reject it
2) peacefully and joyfully mass mobilize
3) get attacked by the security forces and irregulars
4) wait for public sentiment to swing to your side and for the security forces to defect
5) (I’ll tell you when we get there)
The entire thing hinges on getting the security forces to join your side in any amount. This breaks the “thin blue line” without which they lose their power. You may not like it, it may not be pretty, but you sure as hell can’t beat them any other way.
There’s one, teeny weeny, itsy bitsy minor catch - might uhhhhh turn into a civil war. But that just comes with the territory! The trick to try and get to step 5 as quickly as possible. The longer this drags on the more likely you get a civil war.
Or, I dunno, act like a walking stereotype of what your opponent accuses you of being, burn down Taco Bell, and hope you can take down predator drones by throwing water bottles at them. I guess you could try that but i wouldn’t recommend it.
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