Btw, the real reason GA’s Republican Senate candidates are attacking GA’s Sec of State is because Trump threatened mean tweets if they didn’t.

There’s a reason for that, and it’s not because it will change the election - they’re 0 for 10 trying this in court over PA.

The reason Tяump wants them attacking GA’s Sec of State is b/c of a fascinating truth for the personality disordered:

They would rather be thought of as “x” than to actually BE “x.” Such as, they’d rather you think they are a good person than for them to BE a good person.

Tяump, like all who struggle with personality disorders, goes into full meltdown when he believe others no longer believe the false image.

In Tяump’s case, it is not fear of BEING a loser driving him. It’s his soul-wrenching terror in thinking others will see him that way.

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