TL/SOMA Street Dealing Task Force meeting tonight at 5PM via WebEx; 90 minute meeting, probably public comment at the end:
Starting now.
Speaker asks if there is somewhere we can move them to, or can they be more discreet?
... @maxyoung asks what we do with gang affiliated career dealers - there is no answer. host pivots to a question about the diversity of drug markets
not to diminish the speaker’s work in DC (she appears unfamiliar with SF and the TL) but asking the TL trade to meet discreetly arranged by cell phone is unrealistic. would be a wonderful world if they did of course
speaker cautions against confiscating drugs because the seller may owe someone money
... @MyTwolffamily brings up a record number of fentanyl deaths and whether that informs the speaker’s calculus. speaker says changing dealers from the one you know is more dangerous
capt fabbri from @SFPDTenderloin asks what do we do with 1,000 dealers just in the TL, all selling the same product, no trust. speaker says maybe LEOs should work to disincentivize disruptive behavior
(aside) i personally think a radical idea for San Francisco would be to return to DA Harris’ procedures and away from Gascon/Boudin
so where is Haney’s task force on this issue? they are in phase 2. since this task force has been created, ODs are up 100% - rate could be higher by the completion of this year long project
definitely feels like the recommendation based on the earlier presentation is to not do anything. wonder if a Biden administration will approve big indoor drug markets with safe consumption on site, feels like the majority won’t accept anything less
TBH I have mixed feelings on the sanctioned drug bazaar. like, what do you do if the drug market won’t move to your new facility? will it have to be located close to where users live (eg, in the TL)? delivery service?
the other chilling thing about watching these is just how happy everyone seems. there’s no sense of urgency at all - 2 San Franciscans are overdosing every day, 120 since their last meeting, and everyone just seems stoked as they discuss process
they’ve discovered that 6 months in, no one has a list of the “harms” they’re supposed to be reducing. they may have a workgroup work on defining what a harm is and who is harmed
whoa whoa. walgreens being strip mined for stuff to sell for drug cash is outside the scope of this 1 year project. let’s not get ahead of ourselves
who is Teresa Friend? she asks if we can’t improve the neighborhood wtf are we doing here
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