KM asks why the GOP leadership is terrified of losing.

(Both Lindsay Graham and Matt Gaetz said if the GOP loses this election, they'll never win again.)

GOP is a minority party. If they lose power, they lose the ability to manipulate systems to keep minority control.

The fear is also explained by Richard Hofstader, who wrote the classic work⤵️

Hofstadter reviewed American politics from before the founding of the nation through McCarthyism. He noticed a pattern among an impassioned minority on the fringes of the political spectrum.

He called their behavior the “paranoid style” in politics.

Those embracing the paranoid style of politics believe that unseen satanic forces are trying to destroy something larger in which they belong.

According to Hofstadter, the “something larger” to which they belong is generally phrased as “the American way of life.”

They “feel dispossessed” and that “America has been largely taken away from them and their kind.”

They therefore adopt extreme measures. They will stop at nothing to prevent what they see as an impending calamity.

Remember, Hofstadter published this in the early 1960s.

These apocalyptic warnings arouse passion and militancy: The evil enemy must be destroyed—and the fight must go beyond the ordinary “give and take” of politics.

In other words, hardball tactics, even if it means ignoring norms and laws.

Trump taps into this. That's what MAGA means.

That's what I meant yesterday when I said the Trumps and McConnells have always been with us.

Right now they're regrouping for another attack.

Not everyone likes democracy. It requires compromise.

It means sharing power with people we don't like.

That's why Trump is railing against mail-in ballots. They make it too easy for widespread voting, which makes it harder for a minority party to keep control.

Also, they can see their demographics are aging and shrinking.

Hofstader and political psychologist mention that the paranoid/anti-democratic style exists on both fringes of the political spectrum. Political psychologists usually try to explain the 1930s fascism, and Hofstader was writing after the McCarthy era.

I also think most of the scholars focus on the right-wing paranoid style because at least in the US and western Europe, it's been far more destructive and dangerous.

⤵️It isn't possible to appeal to the KKK and proud boys AND a majority of Americans.

In other words, a party that draws energy from the white supremacists, the Proud Boys, and KKK cannot hope to attract a majority.

That's why they rely so heavily on disinformation campaigns and stoking fears.

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