Another round up of some of the latest research on C19 indirect impacts, and a thread below of the specific pieces! @FCDOResearch
Continued recovery in global merchandise trade flows in August, but at a slower pace than previous months, with less integrated regions lagging. @WorldBank 2/n
@IFPRI research finds C19 has disrupted 🇪🇹Ethiopia's ‘gig economy flexible contract’ model of commercial vegetable clusters. Heterogenous impacts across the farm and consumer prices of 🍅tomatoes 🧅onions 🫑 peppers +🥬cabbage 4/n
🌾Rice accounts for over 30% of the value of crops in 🇲🇲Myanmar, and @IFPRI research has looked at how their value chains are faring in response to C19 5/n
In 🇧🇩Bangladesh and 🇳🇵Nepal, there have been 25% greater declines in earnings for migrant dependent households since March according to @UNUWIDER 6/n
@poverty_action round-up evidence for 🇧🇫Burkina Faso 🇨🇮 Côte d’Ivoire 🇬🇭Ghana 🇷🇼Rwanda 🇸🇱 Sierra Leone 🇿🇲Zambia 🇨🇴 Colombia 🇲🇽 Mexico 🇵🇭Philippines on levels of hunger and food insecurity from their RECOVR survey between May and July 2020. 8/n
@IGC look at sectoral economic impacts of Covid in 🇲🇲Myanmar, and give recommendations on protecting the economy and vulnerable households. 9/n
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