hard truth for goyim: most television and movies are antisemitic. it may not be intentionally so, but when goyim write jews, they tend to get it wrong. villains are coded as jewish. you may be thinking, of course my favorite show isn't antisemitic! it has jewish writers! 1/5
and you may be right. there may be some jewish writers on the show. that doesn't mean it can't be antisemitic, because jews are not, contrary to public belief, in control of Hollywood. and if jewish characters do exist, they're often shown as very secular and as enjoying 2/5
holidays like christmas. it's alienating to never have representation that matches the actual jewish experience. do some jews like Christmas? sure. gifts are fun. but not all. and we're not scrooges for not liking a decidedly not secular holiday being shoved in our faces. 3/5
if Jews tell you a show is antisemitic, believe them. like Star Trek Discovery for example. that was an extremely antisemitic show, and if you watch it and are like, "huh? what the hell do you mean?" I'd invite you to read jewish commentary on it. do some hard work. 4/5
we're just asking you to consider us. please realize that it is traumatizing to never see positive representations of ourselves in media. to always be the joke, or the villain. it contributes to how society sees us. 5/5
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