Frustrated thread:

Biggest enemy of Congress party is the twitter handles who doesnt even know how an election takes place.

Before election they assume Cong will win without even knowing where that state is.

During elections they will declare that Cong is winning.

Before counting they declare some numbers that Cong is going to win.

Once the real results are out they understand the reality. But abuse party and its leaders because Cong didnt win the seats they had predicted.

They support Rana Ayyubs
They support left.
And they know only one leader in INC. Rahul Gandhi.
Rest all leaders are good for nothing according to them.

And there are few high profile handles who pretend to support Congress just to shoot from shoulders of Cong.

Friends should know the reality. Try to do some work on ground. If you cant then its fine. Please dont give gyaan to leaders on how party should function.
Winning election is not a 140 char tweet that you type n tweet.
Please understand the facts.

And dear SM team of INC. Stop this nonsense of hashtag trending every day. People take that as an indicator of seats we are going to win.
And hashtag trending is not going to fetch you votes.

You can follow @gokulchan.
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