Since Democratic Socialists of America are the far left, politically. Keep calling themselves "progressives" and keep the socialist agenda a secret while recruiting gullible youth in America.

How about I show the other Democratic Socialists party that has long been in
American politics since 1947?

Which many older Americans remember and actually see on AOC & the Squads youthful "progressives" now spurned and called "fauxgressives".

Others are digging through financial receipts. This is more of a plagiarized ideology look back.
Right off the bat, the Socialist Party USA, officially the Socialist Party of the United States of America (SPUSA), split off from Socialists Democrats USA.

Note how Democratic Socialists, Socialist Democrats are interchangeable.

But, you say, they don't have the same titles!
So right, not the same titles!

You say, "See I'm right!" fauxgressives.

Uhm, no.

I said ideology comparison.
From SPUSA wiki:
The party is officially committed to multi-tendency socialism. Along with its predecessor, Socialist Party USA has received varying degrees of support when its candidates have competed against those from the Republican and Democratic parties.
SPUSA advocates for complete independence from the Democratic Party. Self-described as opposing all forms of oppression, specifically capitalism and authoritarian forms of communism, the party advocates
for the creation of a "radical democracy that places people's lives under their own control", a "non-racist, classless, feminist, socialist society"
in which "the people own and control the means of production and distribution through democratically-controlled public agencies, cooperatives, or other collective groups";
"full employment is realized for everyone who wants to work"; "workers have the right to form unions freely, and to strike and engage in other forms of job actions"; and "production of society is used for the benefit of all humanity, not for the private profit of a few". /end/
Now, so far, I haven't dug far enough to see if Bernie Sanders was ever in the parent companies of this "socialist democracy", but what fauxgressives and Bernie Sanders, AOC and the Squad, shout to get free mainstream media coverage, is in lockstep.

So what's the difference?
Feminism. Or in this instance white feminism.

AOC and the Squad are ethnic shields for Bernie Sanders to hide behind. He has long wrote about being in charge of a democratic socialist America. Except the socialists didn't accept him, nor the mainly white progressives.
Then he finds AOC, who formerly went by, Sandy Ocasio.

Most say, "systemic and institutional racism" and you're right. But see, she freely changed her name to fit in.

Wasn't until BLM that she started being AOC, and the rest of the Squad too.

It wasn't until
Cenk Uygur, of the Young Turks and the needed LinkedIn, white people with money representing Bernie Sanders, pulled dark money PACs and opened petty cash accounts for AOC and the Squad to tap in to and malign the Democratic Party by saying same as the Republicans.
Anyone who has ever had to argue with a fauxgressive, this is the go to POC savior line, "Democrats are the same as Republicans and Progressives need to be the 2nd party." many go so far as to say, only party.
Where SPUSA is mainly nonPoC, The Democratic Socialists Party of America, is PoC, same ideology.

NOTE: SPUSA split from Bernie and AOC's socialist party.

Well actually, Bernie and AOC and the Squad can't claim the entirety of socialists.
And what both socialists political parties here won't tell you? Their success is based on, CAPITALISM.

Now do you understand the "fauxgressives" title?

the difference is ethnicities in the political parties

the ideology is to overthrow both Democratic and Republican parties
leaving the socialist political party in charge

So "fauxgressives" keep hyping the angelic sounding title of "progressives" hoping you don't know American political history and politics.

I expect more will be uncovered. And if the financial deep dive comes up deep money
from white multi-billionaires and white lobbying companies,

AOC, Bernie Sanders, the Squad, really are fauxgressives, hiding behind ethnic shields who sold out to get rich and a future title of ruling America, like a M A G A.
People who abuse the youth vote are the reason the youth don't vote. Worse is those who want progress, are mislabeled as the enemy since fauxgressives socialists want total political control, denigrating Democrats & Republicans.

Reiterating, difference is leaders ethnic race.
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