Okay so I'm started being used as a source of info when I'm OTG, so I feel it's important to make a thread on how I get my info, how I choose what to distribute, etc
First off: While @BashingFash is my account (and I'm 100% responsible for all my shitposts - don't let anyone tell you otherwise, I am EXTREMELY unfunny) - my reporting and livetweets aren't a 1 person operation anymore. On top of awesome folx giving me info, I have extra help!
. @PuppyWallet does the vast majority of my scanner monitoring at this point - they're typically giving me all the info they can get from UNENCRYPTED channels, twitter, Facebook, etc.

I emphasize unencrypted because despite being a HAM nerd, I can't crack PPB's radio encryption.
Currently, nobody can. The technology used is P25 Phase II, which fixes encryption issues in earlier versions. PPB claims this is strictly for tactical use (as many PDs do), it has become where they communicate 95% of the time. This is a major transparency issue, but I digress.
So currently, we monitor everything that is not encrypted, which like I said is maybe 5% of total (relevant) comms. In certain situations, you might see some grungy, andro-looking person with 2 giant antennas on their back: this is me! I still monitor certain non-police channels.
This is rare at this point, but it's good to share - in a situation like that, I'm typically monitoring private security or comms among protesters I've been explicitly asked to be involved with/given permission. NEITHER RADIOS I CARRY CAN DO P25 (POLICE) RADIO! I get asked a lot.
Beyond this, I have a few friends who volunteer time to time, but not nearly as frequently. Info I share is info I trust and either would act on or am acting on.

Occasionally though I *will* be wrong. If this is the case, shoot me a DM! I'll gladly correct/rescind info if needed
I've also got future plans to help expand this and create things like a tipline for local journalists I can personally vouch for, but this isn't setup yet and won't be for a bit (suggestions please!!)

TL;DR NO INFO I GET IS SPECIAL - everything is stuff you can get while OTG!
I'm happy to help teach anyone interested, so reach out as well đź–¤

That's the thread! Hopefully you know a little bit more of how I work and do what I do.

I'm not the only one doing this, and we need more helping! After all, who protects us?

See you in the streets!
You can follow @BashingFash.
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