Some humble, unsolicited “think-before-tearing-others-down-in-public-spaces” thoughts 👇🏼

When critiquing others: will the outcome match your intentions? Or will it distract from pressing issues and demoralize others who, in all honesty, are in the trenches with you?
In every movement/space, there are always different types of people, with different motivations, work ethic, etc...we do not have to share the exact same set of values and behaviors to achieve progress together.
Some [activists/organizers/colleagues] keep their heads down and just do the work. Some do it for $. Others like to be visible or well connected. Whichever approach you respect – or don’t – that’s your choice. But does your voicing your opinion move the needle in any way?
In the social media age, we talk incessantly. Organizing work is hard and time-consuming. Don’t allow yourself to get burnt out & mistakenly orient your fire to those *on your side*, to those *not* abusing/denying you power, to those who you *need* overall as allies.
Be aware, even when warranted, your criticism is likely to be weaponized by the very people and systems you are trying to change. In obvious and non-obvious ways, power always seeks to divide. Now you went and showed the cracks.
Public in-fighting will be used to discredit, delay, and deny the shared work everyone is doing. Especially for youth. Especially for women.
Animosity also discourages bystanders from getting involved. It turns away opportunities to expand movements and partnerships. People avoid toxic environments, with good reason!
I’m not saying criticism has no value. When it is corrective and constructive, criticism can be a teaching/learning tool. What is not helpful is lambasting people with little real aim. It is shameful to get quoted in hit pieces with vitriol directed to those also doing work.
Negativity, self-interested competition, and inter-personal arguments are corrosive to positive forward momentum. If someone truly is a disingenuous actor, outpace or outsmart their work. Trust that shams will be revealed in time.
It seems the most effective change comes from diverse spaces with diverse actors pursuing their work collaboratively, as well as allowing each their own approach. Every movement has overlapping. There is always miscommunication/mismanagement/mistakes.
Holding each other accountable is important. But ideally in private and by approaching misdeeds in a constructive way. Don't give up.
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