1. Subtly stalk them. The best way to learn about people is to observe how they act, what they do, what they say when they feel no one is paying particular attention. So learn about their interests, feelings, opinions and jot things down.
2.Ease yourself into their lives, no pressure, comment on things that matter to them, leave little jokes, specific compliments nothing intimate, give the impression that you care, that they matter, not just their looks but who they are. If the response is positive, proceed
3. To friendly polite conversation that hints at a romantic attraction. Don't push yourself into the friend zone oooo. Let them know you like them and not in an entirely platonic way. Make the conversation regular, engaging, broad. Little feels and interest might begin to foster.
4. Be consistent, make use of the things you jotted in step 1 and proceed to give them what you observed might give them satisfaction. All round, emotionally, mentally, financially. Be ready to spend your time, energy, resources and money. Saying you want a person isn't enough.
5. You have to show that you want them. Love is expressed in deeds pleasing to whom is loved, so you have to do your best to please them. And in an entirely non pressure kind of way. Your affection is genuine, you nurture those you care for, so show it, as much as they allow.
6. When you talk to them, ask questions about what matters to them and see how you can contribute to the success or smooth running of those things. Get to know them really, don't be in a rush, don't push to meet up, take your time. Check all their boxes.
7. Most people are moved by thoughtful actions, so please think about how you can be thoughtful, how you can really let them know that you want them in your life. Send lunch with little notes, send money, send things they want if you can afford to.
8. Ease them into your affection, tell them in simple words what you want from them and how you feel, don't embark on a never ending goose chase. If it isn't feasible, move on, if it is, continue with the thoughtful gestures. Then initiate a date you know they would like.
9. If you get to the date part make sure they are as comfortable as possible. Let them know after the date that you enjoyed every moment you spent with them. Genuine affection shows. If a romance ensues, be sure to be consistent. All kinds of relationships are hard work.
10. Remember that every relationship needs to be maintained and not just with words. Thoughtfulness is the key. In your words, in your actions, strive to be kind, considerate, respectful and thoughtful. I wish you all the best.
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