I am more and more convinced with each passing hour that Republicans cheated on a massive scale this election, everywhere, and they are all going batshit crazy right now because the cheat failed for Trump and all we have to do is investigate a little to turn up hundreds.
How you ask? They used software to flip votes. They did it everywhere they could. They did it for Trump too. But only on walk in votes. They couldn't do it to mail in votes. There are likely hundreds of thousands of walk in dem votes that got flipped. They underestimated us.
Here's the clincher; they underestimated how many Republicans voted for Biden, so they didn't prepare to flip those. The Republicans that voted against Trump but not blue down ballot totally f*cked up their plan. But it did work for senators and Congress. The cheat worked 99%.
This is why the vile hatred for mail in votes. They KNEW they weren't prepared to cheat those so they went into emergency cheat mode and tried to stop the post office, got rid of drop boxes, suppressed votes everywhere because they knew the software cheat wouldn't work.
I am as sure off this, as I am that the sun will rise tomorrow. Can I personally prove it? No but I am certain an audit in any Red state with electronic voting can.
The math all adds up.. (or more to the point doesn't)
The polls were 10+ points wrong?
Dems voted 51% for McConnel?
Trump got 52% of white women?
Red state reporting agencies stoped reporting votes by party?
This isn't 🐟🐟🐟🐟 it's 100% unadulterated bullshit.
For 4 years we have wondered what Trump could possibly have over all of these people... F*ck it's been in front of us all this time. Massive and sustained election fraud likely going back two decades. They're all guilty of it. It would totally ruin them. And Trump could prove it.
So why aren't Dems doing anything about it...? Democracy. The only thing we Americans have is our vote. If we don't trust it we have no democracy. Dems don't want to shake that foundation. I get it. But I do not agree. We need to face our failures and fix them.
Much more and lots of stats https://twitter.com/StechDoesItAll/status/1325462350229610502?s=20
Yes we need more evidence but this is proof they've done it before and you know once it started they never stopped.
How did we imagine that in 2016 Russia helped Trump but didn't cheat in all the other elections as well????
A follow on thread with more stats. Nice one @GrassrootsSpeak https://twitter.com/GrassrootsSpeak/status/1326593621278289920?s=19
Kentucky needs to be investigated for the last 5 McConnel "Wins"

Thought I copied this over before but 🙅 https://twitter.com/KenSpreitzer/status/1324789480469876736?s=19
Always more dirty shit with these people https://twitter.com/tbluvoter/status/1326288295416930304?s=19
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