Read Nixon’s Memoirs to see why they ousted him and the same patterns re-emerge.

1/ Identify and criticize the unelected power of a biased media. “You are fake news.”
2/ Decentralize power and dismantle the New Deal, which still drove the actions of DC players. DC still centralizing with a push to invade police depts soon.
3/ Organize a government that reflected American values not the values of an elite Moynihan described as “Since about 1840 the cultural elite... have pretty generally rejected the values and activities of the larger society”. Woke divorce from reality
4/ Actually run the government, which no president had done in seven decades. More like twelve now.
5/ Reduce the bureaucracy (check his line on signatures needed to do one thing) to streamline decisions and also reduce the Feds control of tax money
6/ Reduce the bureaucracy and replace decision makers with loyalists. Sounds like Trump’s EO on protections for fed employees
7/ Identifies the left as controlling all the aces (Congress, bureaucracy, media & power brokers) and that he wanted to end the “timid opposition party”
8/ Time is a flat circle. These same problems face us now. Trump is not the operator Nixon was nor the mind, but it is the system’s construction and guiding ideology that are the problems. Just like with Nixon, the system has gone apoplectic at the smallest sign of a threat
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