I hate the term "friendsgiving" how naff

Every kind of family is valid. All loved ones are precious. It's a real Thanksgiving dinner. For some of your friends, this IS their only family. Don't demote the occasion to a lesser gathering. Not a "real" dinner just funny friends one
I hate memes about haha buncha millennials fucking up their friendsgiving not taking it seriously. Maybe for straight people? Idk about you but we take it seriously. We meet all the dietary needs. We make the best food. We show that we cherish each other no matter who doesn't
ADDENDUM: What I'm trying to communicate is that I don't like when people apply the term friendsgiving to something I'm doing when I've never actually used that term myself, it's the assumption that because it's not biofamily that it must be "not a real thanksgiving" that gets me
If you find the term to be comforting, or affirming, for your own events/gatherings and you like using it, then that's totally valid! I don't want to say there is a correct or incorrect terminology. I just don't like people labeling other people's gatherings for them
I'm trying only to affirm the legitimacy and validity of chosen families, found families, queer families what-have-you I don't want anyone to feel invalidated by this if it's their preferred term, I'd just never encountered it as a preferred term by anyone until today
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