Short Thread:

At this point it looks like we're headed towards a fairly predictable timeline of events. Here is where we've come from and here is where we I see this headed:
This is where we currently are. So where is all this likely headed?
Future headlines to look for:

Just because SCOTUS took the case doesn’t mean anything is going to come of it
The Supreme Court is illegitimate because Trump picked the justices!
Barrett, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch and Thomas must recuse themselves! Any and all must recuse!
Republicans are cheating the system. They must in good faith accept that Biden is President. It’s patriotic to avoid riots and possible civil war.
You overturned the elections. How could you change the will of the people? We need intervention and mobilization, NOW!
Conclusion: Ive used a variety of legacy media outlets to source this. They're all complicit and are responsible for fueling what may be coming. It is entirely irresponsible and clear that since 2016 have refused any self reflection or responsibility. Expect the same and more.
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