Something to remember about Mitch McConnell is that he's not actually trying to DO anything.

This is why he's so successful.

The world ALREADY benefits old, white turtle-faced men like him.

Victory for him is delay. He'll back trump's legal shit, then just pivot later.
His ENTIRE job is to do the political equivalent of a DDOS on America at all times.

That's it.

Whatever creates the most political stagnation and gridlock, at ANY particular point in time, is what he'll do.
What he's demonstrated a particular skill for, more than any other US politician, is knowing the EXACT point to pivot to the next best option to create delay.

He's a master of timing. The odious old shit.
Mitch McConnell isn't even really a conservative. Not in an ideological sense. They push for change.

He's a stagnationalist.

The current US status quo benefits him and people who look exactly like him. And he wants it to stay that way as long as he draws breath.
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