Alrighty folks, want to up your thread game? Let’s analyze this one by @Dr_ScottK

Notice what I did in that previous tweet and what @Dr_ScottK does with his first one. We framed the thread as a question.

The Q&A style is very engaging and it’s a great way to pique the interest of your followers.

Try it for your next thread. Let me know how it goes!
The 2nd most important tweet in your thread is the second tweet. It’s where you’ll have the highest audience drop off if it isn’t informative/relevant.

This tweet is excellent because:
-It’s on topic
-Direct, to the point
-Assumption is clearly stated
-Open access source linked
Pay attention to the engagement on each tweet. It’s a good indicator of your effectiveness and successful messaging.

For ex., look at tweet 2 & tweet 3.

Whenever you see higher engagement on a later post, celebrate. It’s a huge win. You are maintaining your audience’s interest.
The thesis of this thread is the second tweet: “not many will actually adhere to a rational testing/isolation plan prior to dismissal.”

Like a good essay, all key points (your tweets) should directly support your thesis. They should be well defended w evidence to support claims.
In fact, you could even use my grading rubric to judge your own threads and identify areas that need improvement.

I’m so many ways, a good thread is like a good essay.

I’ve even used threads as a framework for my own writing. You should, too!
You can follow @Sarah_Mojarad.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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