1. I'm going to explain the thing about the "racism" meme that confuses everyone (by design)

This is extremely important

Basically, there is a very important difference between hating someone because they are different ("racism") and hating a group of people that's invading you
2. Let's analyze the first thing: hating someone simply because they are different ("racism")

Nobody fucking does this, that's retarded

For example, I do not go around spending my time and energy hating on the Taiwanese because they are different than me
3. I do not "hate" the Taiwanese because they are racially and culturally different to me

They are thousands of miles away and I simply do not give a fuck about them

I simply wish them the best of luck
4. Now, if tens of thousands of Taiwanese started pouring into my European/Christian hometown I would say "holy shit I'm being invaded I do not like this"

But that is not irrational hate ("racism") that is a fucking survival instinct to keep you from getting invaded, you retard
5. Any nation or tribe that does not have a strong urge to resist getting its territory invaded and resources taken by other tribes goes extinct

Even freaking monkeys have this instinct where they do not like getting invaded because it is a fundamental survival instinct
6. Of course, the J**s are tricky bastards

First, they tell you that "hating" on other people for simply being different is very mean and wrong (and yes this is probably correct)

Then they proceed to import millions of racial and cultural outsiders (invaders) into your country
7. Because you have been so mindfucked by their propaganda you confuse that "irrational hate towards anyone different" with your normal healthy survival instinct that tells you getting invaded is bad

Therefore you suppress your survival instinct and accept getting invaded
8. I notice even right wingers woke to the JQ confuse these two different very different things

They think "look at all these racial aliens around me ughhh fuck them i hate them i hate other races"

No dude you don't "hate other races" you hate getting invaded, which is normal
9. If these racial aliens were hundreds/thousands of miles away in their own homelands then you wouldn't give a fuck about them

You reject them because they are displacing you from your homeland

This rejection of getting invaded is a normal healthy survival instinct
10. And in case anyone tries to say otherwise:

No, a people can't survive if they open their borders and leave their territory and resources and women for the taking by people from the entire planet

A nation that does that WILL go extinct (and rather quickly)
11. So anyways, the J**s rely on confusing the normies here who can't see the distinction between "irrational hatred for anyone different" and getting invaded
12. What's worse, the J**s always attempt to make "irrational hatred for anyone different" illegal (their so-called "hate speech" laws)

And once that is illegal they then proceed to open your gates and flood your country with millions of invaders
13. Because 99.99% of people can't tell the difference between "irrational hatred for anyone different" and "opposing getting invaded", now it is effectively illegal for you to oppose getting invaded

Neat trick eh
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