The noises coming from the GOP are scary. The most dangerous moment in an abusive relationship is when we leave.
This moment is like a Rorschach test for our fears. BUT when we have anxiety, the antidote is looking at the facts. /1
The facts are, the GOP is using talk of "cheating" and "stolen elections" to raise money to pay Trump's debts. It's grift. They also need to keep their base wound up to try and win these crucial two Senate races in Georgia.
There's some legal shenanigans with the transition but ultimately that doesn't stop Biden from becoming president. And yes, people are looking to the election certification in Congress in 57 days, but there's no evidence or path for the GOP to change electors.
We need to think about our own role to play in all this. What can we do? We can donate and phone bank for Georgia. We absolutely should do that. We can take to the streets if any of these coup attempts is actually real. /4
Up to this point it's just the GOP embarrassing themselves in court, which earns them mockery and not much else. /5
The BIG thing we can do is show compassion to each other. When you're kind to another person, it eases your own fears. And it helps other people who are afraid. Then these kindnesses reverberate. /6
Let's reach out if we can. That's what we absolutely have power over. /7
Mr. Rogers once explained to Congress that children need to learn they can control their emotions. This is an important lesson for adults, too. He sang: /8
It's great to be able to stop
When you've planned a thing that's wrong,
And be able to do something else instead
And think this song: /9
I can stop when I want to
Can stop when I wish.
I can stop, stop, stop any time.
And what a good feeling to feel like this
And know that the feeling is really mine.
Know that there's something deep inside
That helps us become what we can.
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