The average Israeli doesn't know much about domestic US politics, just as the average American doesn't know much about domestic politics in Israel or other foreign countries. This lets Netanyahu shamelessly lie with impunity about what he's doing to Israel's foreign relations.
Many Israeli voters see how Netanyahu speaks flawless English and posts photos with US politicians and fawning clips from American TV and think he knows how to handle America. They don't know the politicians are almost always Republican and the clips are Fox News and Mark Levin.
Netanyahu's grift presenting himself as knowing how to manage relations with America, rather than just one half of it, works because his Israeli audience doesn't know what he knows. The challenge is to break through his BS bubble to let them know what's really going on.
Imagine if America had a president who spoke fluent French and regularly addressed the French parliament and media. Most normie Americans would think he was good at handling US-France relations, even if he wasn't and was only catering to part of the country's political spectrum.
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