* Short thread & thoughts on the vaccine news *

The news is undoubtedly good news. 90% efficacy is well above expectations (50% was the bar for FDA approval, 60-70% the hope) and it suggests that other vaccines in development can have equally good results.

2. The caveats / important points to know are…

- Phase 3 trial still ongoing (currently at the halfway stage)
- The results are ‘press release’, not peer reviewed
- As an mRNA vaccine, it requires storage/transportation at -100 degrees F

- This is not something the world is used to - major logistical issues
- Ultra-low temperatures must also be stable, or wastage will occur
- It requires two doses, 3 weeks apart, which complicates logistics
- To scale manufacture to very large quantities will take 6-12 months

- Pfizer say they can produce 1.3 billion doses in 2021
- 16 billion doses theoretically needed to treat every person
- Other vaccines will need to plug the gap
- 75% of those taking the 2nd dose reported fever symptoms. This may put people off.

- We do not yet know how many people will feel comfortable taking the ‘fastest vaccine ever developed’. (Anecdotally we hear many are wary)

- We don’t yet know the effectiveness for sub-groups (age, pre-existing conditions, etc)
6. Bottom line… There’s still many months ahead in this race. Do not ditch the mask yet, but be hopeful! There’s light at the end of the tunnel.

For detailed background reading, the following articles are helpful...
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