God save the United States and this honorable Court. Arguments in the ACA case are about to begin

California Solicitor General is up to start and makes the very cogent argument that the ACA cannot be struck down simply because of Republican shenanigans

Roberts first question is on standing and whether not getting insurance is a violation of the ACA
Roberts wants to know if they don't abide by the mandate if they need to check the box that they've ever violated the law in a job application
Thomas is up now and starts with a comparison to not wearing a mask during COVID and not getting insurance and whether or not there's equal standing to enforce
Just good to flag that the Justices are often thinking of other cases when they hear arguments in others
Just a reminder that my work-spouse @AngryBlackLady is live tweeting this circus over at @RewireNewsGroup!
Wow so Thomas really hates the ACA we know this but that was a very active round of questioning by Thomas
Breyer is up and offers the CA Solicitor General the chance to explain how Thomas' theory of standing and severability would basically allow an enormous loophole where plaintiffs don't have to actually SHOW injury but allow conservative federal judges to rule on the law anyway
Alito really likes this idea of standing put forward by Texas and the conservatives bringing this case, likely because there are over 200 Trump judges on the bench and the possibility of progressive legislation in the future
Sotomayor up now and it's like a brand new day in the audio feed
Sotomayor's first question is basically: if the plaintiffs wanted to bring the kind of claim Alito just described they could have. But they didn't.
Sotomayor's line of questioning here really bringing out her background as a prosecutor. It's an art
Kagan up now and goes directly to the state's standing argument, likely looking for a through line to hem in Roberts and .... hopefully one more of her colleagues
In oral arguments like these Kagan is almost always speaking to Roberts for the compromise opinion
Justice Gorsuch up now and I know it's not on the merits but does anyone know if Gorsuch still has a quarantine beard
Gorsuch seems to be willing to rule against the states here on the argument that they have standing to bring this kind of claim but didn't meet the burden of proof at the trial stage MAAAYBE
Justice Kavanaugh up now and my stomach hurts

Everyone is talking about standing
These standing questions are all about what the Democrats are going to do in Congress and how can MAGA's protest in the courts
Now Justice Barrett is up and she's very excited to talk about this case. Super.
Barrett is up now asking about hypotheticals and I remain confused because according to her confirmation testimony lawyers cannot answer hypotheticals
I will say that the California SG does a much better job suffering bullshit from the justices than I ever could
And this is why I get paid to yell on Twitter rather than at the Supreme Court 😂😂
Don Verrilli is up now and reminder he has saved the ACA for all of us several times already and is a very good advocate
Don Verrilli is a very good Supreme Court advocate
Roberts up with the first question and whether or not the entire law hinges on the ACA's individual mandate
Roberts asks Verrilli "if we spent all that time talking about broccoli for nothing" and all the other health law journalists groan in unison

It's been a long 8 years
Just listening to Verrilli handle Thomas is a good reminder even to me that he's outflanked these justices before

It's gonna be a sweaty couple of months
Wait something is going on with arguments and Roberts is just going to skip over Breyer I guess? That's cool and totally fine
Alito addresses Verrilli the way you would your ex-spouse in an event in public where your children are present and you want to make sure you know they still hate their guts but you're going to get along in public
Justice Sotomayor up now and seriously there is no other justice who can just zero in on the issue like no other

She focuses in on the fact that Republicans could have repealed the mandate to kill the law but they didn't. Because politics.
Still waiting on an answer as to the status of Gorsuch's quarantine beard
Gorsuch is focusing on the merits and the text of the ACA since the mandate was not actually repealed
Ohhhh the fuckery from the Supreme Court is just starting and whoooo boy it's gonna be a long haul with this Court
The glee to which Barrett jumps into her questioning on the ACA is exactly why she was nominated
Imagine enjoying trying to strip 20 million Americans of health care as much as Amy Coney Barrett does
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