Hey Black folk...

Humans get vitamin D either by eating it, or from when sunlight hits your skin.🌞😎

Darker skin makes less vitamin D than light skin. Northern hemisphere has less sunlight than equator. Winter less than summer.

Vitamin D is lowest, in Black folk, in winter.😢
Low vitamin D is correlated with decreased immune function. Which means it could make you vulnerable to Covid.

I asked my pops (head of Emergency Medicine at one of the Houston hospitals overrun with Covid earlier) to confirm.

He said. Yup. 🤷🏿‍♂️
My mom sent me articles earlier in the year about how vitamin D is related to muscle performance and retention.

She knows I do natural powerlifting / bodybuilding, and was bummed about not going to the gym.

Vitamin D every day "For your health!" Vs "For gains!"

She knows me.🤷🏿‍♂️
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